Tom Cruise has the body of a 30 year old man

“Tom Cruise not only has the body of a man half his age, but also always moves like the opening scene of Mission: Impossible II ,” the July issue of Men’s Health commented on the actor born in 1962.

At the age of 58, Tom Cruise still plays his own risky action scenes such as flying people in the air, driving motorbikes downhill, martial arts… To have enough health and endurance, the American actor actually Follow a strict diet and intense exercise 5 days/week.

Hit the gym, lift weights, climb mountains, row and run long distances

Fitness site Jacked Gorilla said the 58-year-old actor exercises intensely to maintain a supple and flexible body. He combines many exercises from cardio, weight training to fencing, mountain climbing, rowing…

The training schedule is adjusted depending on Tom Cruise’s filming schedule. When not filming, the Mission: Impossible actor designs a training schedule 5 days/week.

Men’s Health magazine praised Tom Cruise for having a body like a man in his 30s.

Jacked Gorilla revealed that every Monday, the actor will do exercises for the chest, shoulders and muscle groups behind the biceps. Tuesday is a free training day, Cruise often chooses sea kayaking, fencing, mountain climbing or long-distance jogging.

On Wednesday, the American actor had a workout session for his back, shoulder muscles and front arm muscle groups. Thursday continues to be a free practice day. “I still do weightlifting, and I also walk fast or run long distances. In general, I exercise a lot and continuously,” Tom Cruise shared with Men’s Health about his free workout sessions.

Friday is a leg and lower body muscle training session. Tom Cruise has exercises such as squats, leg presses, calf raises (exercises to help the back calves and front thigh muscles become big and strong). The actor will rest on Saturday and Sunday to relax his muscles.

“Regularly practicing exercise groups to burn excess fat and increase strength – like Tom Cruise does – is a way to maintain a flexible and youthful body. Those are factors that help our bodies avoid aging,” Men’s Health wrote.

Limit starch, eat lots of green vegetables, chicken breast, protein…

Diet plays an important role in physical training and maintaining youthful vitality. Tom Cruise strictly controls the amount of calories and food ingredients he eats.

In an interview with Daily Mail , he said he only consumes about 1,200 calories a day. Amateurs limit foods containing starch – mainly bad and fast-metabolizing starch, often eating green vegetables, chicken breast meat, eggs and salmon. Cruise also uses vitamin pills and whey powder.

Men’s Health revealed that the actor’s breakfast is usually boiled eggs, oatmeal and some vitamin D, B12, magnesium, folic acid… For lunch, he eats grilled or boiled chicken breast with vegetables, sometimes have an extra bowl of rice. In the evening, the actor only ate salmon and salad.

The actor limits foods containing starch and does not consume more than 1,200 calories per day.

According to the British newspaper, this is the diet devised by David Beckham. Not only the English striker but many other stars also apply the above diet to maintain a youthful and healthy physique.

According to nutritionist Dr. Paul Clayton – author of Health Defense , bad starches in the daily menu produce insulin – a hormone that causes aging. “Rapidly metabolized starch easily becomes glucose and accumulates in the body, damaging muscle and skin tissue. This is the cause of aging,” Clayton shared with Men’s Health . According to many nutrition experts, bodybuilders can use slowly metabolized starches such as brown rice, cereals…

For the above reason, Tom Cruise and many stars who focus on body shape often cut down on starch in their daily menu. Men’s Health believes that this is the secret to helping U60 actors have a supple body like a man in his 30.