This dog sat down crying for her PUPPIES.
Her cries were heartbreaking.
No one nearby knew where her puppies were.
They only knew that she was here for 2 days.
Nobody cares.
They just pass by.
She can clearly see that she has just given birth.
“Where are my puppies.”
She looked at me.
She would never forget those sad eyes.
The distemper test gave negative results.
But what makes her unable to walk?
And the x-ray results told me that she suffered a serious spinal fracture that affected the nerves in her hind legs.
So what really happened to her?
It is very possible that an accident has occurred.
Then someone took the puppies away from her after that.
But why didn’t they take her?
Maybe they were afraid to treat her.
There was only sadness in her eyes.
She cried all night before.
She had red eyes.
We also found puppies again there, but no one knew or had news about them.
Doctors believe laser treatment will work.
She stayed still while the doctor treated her.
She knew we were trying to help her.
We hoped to see some improvement, but problems began to arise.
Sinead is having difficulty emptying her bladder and her red blood cells are dropping.
The doctor inserted a catheter.
Sinead is still very sad.
It shows in her eyes.
For days in a row, she only ate a little food.
She just stayed calmly in the cage.
Sadly, the pain of losing the puppies is too great.
I don’t know what to do to help her.
The only thing I can do is pray for them.
I hope God blesses the puppies.
They will meet good owners who love them.
Sinead underwent 10 laser treatments, but the results were not what she expected.
Treating the spine would be very difficult AND surgery would also be very risky.
Her hopes were still extremely fragile, but the power within her is colossal.
She got over her sadness and went out.
She longed to walk again and see things.
Despite the adversities, they came into her life.
She did not surrender to fate.
We bind her feet every morning.
She helps her move without pain.
She is a sweet and loving girl and she is not a stray dog like everyone thinks.
So many mysteries surround her.
We also let her do water exercises.
Her exercises help her build muscles.
Every day we spend 30 minutes practicing AND a wheelchair was a gift for her.
She was confused and did not dare to walk.
She needs time to get used to it And a beautiful new life is welcoming her.
Her name is Sinead.