120 Million Year Old Map Discovered Proof Of Advanced Ancient Civilization
A discovery by Bashkir scientists contradicts all traditional notions of human history: stone slabs which are 120 million years old and covered with the relief map of the Ural Region. This seems to be…
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Archaeologists discover a Perfectly Preserved 4,000-year-old tomb in Egypt
Archeological finds in Egypt never stop. This was made all the more apparent by the recent discovery in Saqqara of a vibrant tomb, home to some of the oldest pyramids in Egypt.
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A 1,800-year-old Roman signet ring engraved with the goddess of Victory Found in a field in Somerset
An amateur treasure hunter has made a ‘stunning’ find from the Roman era in the south-west of England. With the help of a metal detector, the man discovered a golden ring at a site being investigated…
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Archaeologists discover 4,800-year-old fossil of a mother cradling a baby
The ancient remains of a young mother and a child locked in a 4,800-year-old embrace were discovered by archeologists. Of 48 sets of remains discovered from tombs in Taiwan, including five children’s…
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Nodosaur Dinosaur ‘Mummy’ Unveiled With Skin And Guts Intact in Canada
A heavy equipment company began mining a strange colored stone at Millennium Mine in northern Alberta in 2011.
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Secrets of southern Egypt’s tombs and temples
The Pyramids of Giza, the last surviving wonders of the ancient world, are undoubtedly Egypt’s most-visited attraction, and for good reason. But farther up the River Nile, the essential artery that…
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Saint Helena’s Hidden Tragedy: 5,000 Casualties Revealed from the Slave Trade Era
The haunting echoes of Saint Helena’s tragic past have been unveiled, exposing a staggering revelation of 5,000 casualties from the era of the notorious slave trade. This untold story, concealed for…
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A treasure trove of more than 4,000 rare coins dating back to ancient Rome was discovered by a fruit and vegetable farmer in his garden after lying under a cherry tree for 1,700 years.
A trove of more than 4,000 bronze and silver coins dating back to Ancient Rome was uncovered by a Swiss fruit-and-vegetable farmer in his cherry orchard.
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Diggers accidentally found a 500-year-old shipwreck filled with gold and coins
Diamond miners working off the coast of Africa stumbled across a 500-year-old shipwreck loaded with £9million of gold and coins.
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The discovery shocked the archaeological community: “After 500 years, new information about the rumored Inca treasure containing 10 tons of gold has come to light”
After 500 years, new information about the rumored Inca treasure, which contains 10 tons of gold, has come to light. This discovery has sent shockwaves
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