Additionally, a discharging wound on the mid-left abdomen side, likely from an arrow, added to the distressing evidence of the dangers elephants confront in the wild.
The injuries, estimated to be between four to seven days old for the leg and over three weeks for the abdominal wound, showcased the remarkable resilience of the injured elephant.
Despite the pain and trauma, the majestic creature remained composed as the vet unit prepared the tranquilizing dart.
A thorough examination confirmed the initial observations, focusing on the abdominal wound.
The vet team meticulously cleaned the wounds with Hydrogen Peroxide and Iodine, applying wet green clay to facilitate healing.
The injured elephant received systemic broad-spectrum antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication, and Vitamin B-Complex to stimulate metabolism.
A careful flip, facilitated by a strap between the front and hind legs anchored to a vehicle, enabled the vet team to retrieve the lodged arrowhead through hand and forceps manipulation.