From Orphaned Elephant to Resilient Survivor: Barnoti’s Journey through Tough Times, Watch the video at the end.

Barnoti’s early days were marked by adversity; he was born an orphan during a trying period. However, the Amboseli’s BC family, closely monitored by the Amboseli Trust for Elephants (ATE), found a reason to rejoice in April 2019 when a new baby elephant named Barnoti arrived from Bouenza.

Bouenza, a renowned female elephant within the Amboseli ecosystem, had previously given birth to several calves, including two daughters who stayed close by.

Watch the video at the end.

The arrival of a male calf, Barnoti, indeed brought joy and excitement to this tight-knit family of females.

Tragedy struck in November 2020 when Bouenza, a leading elephant with a young calf in tow, passed away due to natural causes. Sadly, her calf, Barnoti, was just 19 months old, an age at which survival without a mother is exceptionally challenging.

However, unusual circumstances prevailed as heavy rainfall in the area led to abundant vegetation, providing Barnoti with enough sustenance to survive without his mother’s milk. He was fortunate to have the support of his two older sisters, who cared for him diligently.

The latter half of 2021 marked a significant shift in Barnoti’s situation. Prolonged drought led to a scarcity of resources, putting many creatures, including young Barnoti, in a precarious position.

His physical condition deteriorated week by week, rendering him unable to keep up with his family. On October 19th, Barnoti was in a dire state – alone and vulnerable.

This compelled the Amboseli warden to seek assistance from ATE. Upon receiving the call, ATE coordinated a swift rescue operation.

The ATE team and the SWT/KWS Amboseli Mobile Vet Unit closely monitored Barnoti to ensure his safety until their arrival. Once they reached the vicinity, they secured him and prepared him for transport to the airstrip.

Rescuing Barnoti, a two-and-a-half-year-old elephant, was no small task. Despite his size, the team worked to ensure his safe placement inside the aircraft for transportation.

Fortunately, Peter, one of their skilled Keepers, was there to keep Barnoti calm during the flight to Nairobi. Thankfully, they arrived at the Nursery without any incidents later that day.

Survival during a drought is a precarious situation for any creature. ATE’s focus shifted to helping Barnoti survive, and he quickly adapted to his new surroundings. Other orphaned elephants welcomed him warmly, often gathering outside his enclosure.

Barnoti eagerly accepted their friendship despite his weakened state and expressed interest in joining them on their forest excursions.

While it was too soon for him to join the rest of the herd, he was determined to regain his strength and progress toward integration.

Barnoti, a young and resilient elephant, has experienced triumphs and trials in his brief life. Although he lost his mother at a tender age, his older sisters were heartbroken when they had to leave him behind.

Despite these challenges, Barnoti has proven to be a fighter, and ATE is delighted to provide him with a new family and a hopeful future.

He has seamlessly integrated into the Nursery herd, looking up to the impressive Mukkoka and forming a close bond with Taabu, another recent addition.