Rokka’s Inspirational Rescue: A Story of Bravery and Compassion Along the Tiva River

In a heartwarming mission to reunite an orphaned elephant calf with her family, a team of dedicated pilots, she embarked on a challenging journey along the Tiva River.

Their unwavering determination and remarkable efforts led to the rescue of the young elephant, whom they affectionately named Rokka.

Initially, the search began with the baby elephant as the focal point, extending their efforts within a 15-kilometer radius.

It’s not uncommon for elephant calves to become separated from their herds, but despite their diligent search, the team couldn’t locate any other elephants nearby.

As time passed, the situation grew increasingly dire, with the risk of the calf being lost in the vast, densely vegetated landscape becoming a stark reality.

Typically, rescuing an elephant calf requires a team of more than two people, but the pilots recognized the situation’s urgency. Acting swiftly, they decided to divide their efforts.

One of the pilots, Hamish, made a brief landing, allowing Roan Carr-Hartley to tackle the calf on foot. Roan navigated through thick bushes, following the helicopter’s guidance from above.

When he finally spotted the calf, Hamish landed the helicopter gently to minimize stress for the young elephant.

Approaching the calf, Roan faced a spirited and resistant animal. With limited tools, he improvised using his shirt to cover the calf’s eyes—an effective rescue technique to calm orphaned animals.

Despite being temporarily blinded, the calf managed to escape into the undergrowth.

However, Roan persisted and managed to grab her hind legs just in time, preventing her from disappearing into the wilderness forever.

The team then faced the daunting challenge of guiding the frightened calf through the dense vegetation for a kilometer.

The calf was understandably terrified and refused to leave the safety of the bushes. Roan and Hamish spent nearly two hours patiently coaxing the calf toward an open area where a helicopter awaited.

Realizing the late hour, Hamish returned to gather supplies and assistance, leaving Roan behind with the calf. Bringing her within 800 meters of the landing point proved a formidable task.

Capturing the calf presented its challenges as she kicked and struggled. Roan had to use his shoelaces as makeshift restraints and even lay on top of her to prevent her from fleeing.

Hamish had the foresight to leave water bottles in the helicopter, knowing the ordeal would dehydrate them.

Roan offered the young elephant small sips of water and poured water behind her ears to keep her calm.

Alone in the bush with the restless elephant, Roan remained vigilant, hoping the noise wouldn’t attract any potential threats from the Tsavo wilderness.

Finally, at 5 p.m., the reassuring sound of the approaching helicopter reached Roan’s ears. Keepers Kingoo and Joseph, guided by Roan’s whistles, found them both.

The calf received a much-needed bottle of rehydration, and the team secured her legs with specialized elephant straps before lifting her onto a customized rescue tarpaulin. These straps proved invaluable during the rescue.

Moving a hefty baby elephant across 800 meters of dense vegetation and loose sand was exhausting.

Nonetheless, the team persevered, driven by their determination to save the calf. The final hurdle was the most critical: lifting the calf into the helicopter. After three failed attempts, the team summoned their remaining energy for one last try.

Hamish, Kingoo, and Joseph lifted the calf off the ground, allowing Roan to slide underneath and use his back as a hoisting platform.

At last, the calf was lifted into the helicopter, bringing immense relief to everyone involved. The team then returned to the Kaluku Neonate Nursery, with the sun setting behind the horizon.

Upon their return, the rescue team was met by a waiting crew at the airstrip who assisted in unloading the calf and taking her to her new quarters.

The presence of fellow elephants, Lemeki and Thamana, comforted Rokka and eased her stress.

After a long and exhausting day, the rescue team could finally rest easy that night, knowing they had saved a precious life. They named the little calf Rokka in honor of the Tiva River, where she was rescued.

Despite being one of the youngest members of their herd, Rokka displayed remarkable grit and confidence, traits that likely helped her survive her lonely time on the Tiva.

Tragically, three poached elephant carcasses were discovered after her rescue, raising the sad possibility that one of them might have been Rokka’s mother.