The Diet That Keeps Emma Watson Healthy – Unveiling the Beauty and the Beast Star’s Nutrition


While some may dismiss Belle as delicate, Watson’s portrayal sounds far from it. She specifically requested riding boots, instead of ballet flats, so her character could ride horses and run around the French countryside. 

She also took her preparation for the film’s iconic dance numbers seriously — as did everyone involved in the movie. The “Be Our Guest” sequence, for example, was filmed over the course of a month. “It was really just very technical, and because it was so technical, really sort of painstaking,” Watson told Entertainment Weekly. “Yeah, it was tricky. But I think it looks spectacular, and it all paid off — so all worth it in the end!”

The star’s a huge fan of Mexican food — particularly La Esquina in New York City — and at home, she makes her own Mex-inspired breakfast taco. “It’s my special thing,” she told Marie Claire. “I make guacamole, salsa, and scrambled eggs, and then I cook the tortilla. It’s pretty simple, really, but yummy.

Rather than logging hour after hour at the gym, Watson gets in 30-minute workouts when she works with fitness instructor Emily Drew. Drew’s program focuses on three areas: stretching, strength and stillness. Stretches help Watson’s posture, keeping her looking long and lean, while the strength circuit combines leg, cardio, and ab exercises. (Drew credits stability ball exercises, like oblique rolls and ball passes, for the actress’s flat abs.) During the stillness portion, Watson holds yoga poses and meditates. 

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Watson often goes on walks to stay in shape (though she admits it can feel “hopeless”), her most recent ones serve a dual purpose: Helping her share books she loves. Watson’s been tucking away tomes all over various cities as part of a Books On The Underground initiative, which encourages commuters to put down their phones and pick up a great read.

The former Harry Potter star’s big on taking Omega-3 supplements, which can reduce inflammation and your risk of heart disease (in addition to keeping your mind sharp, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center). She’s also into Vitamin C with rose hips. After all, you’ve got to keep your immune system strong when you’re always on the go — and by the looks of her Beauty and the Beast press tour schedule, she won’t be slowing down any time soon.