Exclusive:Gold Medalist Laurie Hernandez Heaps Praise on Simone Biles for Showing Grit at Paris 2024 ( VIDEO )-w

Oh, this F is Paris has been wonderful.

It’s really exciting to be here as an Fc Sports gymnastics alist.

Um, also interesting to not train for the Olympic is subtle, very on the other side of the C, the Lord war of pleas.

Oh, I will say Ner Fcking is definely I mean, uh yeah, the war thing of the two would would probably be competing just because the stakes are so hiive.

However, I will say I get a lot of butterflies doing the H work because it’s live and we don’t get to re-shoot anything.

So it’s making sure that.

Um, the opinions-

And you know what I’m trying to say is is translating.

Well, it’s always coming across respectful in kind to the.

Well, also, when you saying that sometimes it’s going to be critical because it’s they, yeah, for sure.

And I think when I see side of that, say I think I do, it’s just yesterday

And I and realized there’s a couple things that sometimes they just they just slip out and you know we’re so used to.

Yeah, So focal drug, acst, um, that I think they’re still a part of the living to to that he went, G was the man was just in.


So I was like for you going on Holocaust voice it.

Yeah, It could be really difficult just because there is a lot of empathy in terms of the athletes, especially Team Usa.

Go Aic, I’m friends with them.

So it’s like if anybody gets hurt or somebody has a fall.

My heart definitely tears, a little bit more than it

You know normally would.

Um, But yeah, qualifications is such a different, difficult competition, because it’s everything trying to get into, whether it’s the own individual spots or the team finals that’s coming up soon.

So on Tv Usa did get their qualifications and it wasn’t a question.

But there was that worry of someone and her injury she had done.

Foror War P said only like can feel so and then just tipped the ankle and hited a phenomenal Fl.

So she’s got a lot of G. her coet mentioned.

You know Cil Landy was like there was noow in your mind that she competing.

It was just a matter of managing on the discomfort and with without pain.

Um, But yeah, she grafted.

The rest of the team have robbed it.

Everybody got some of their finals here and there and Ici to see the rest of the comptition.

Yeah did geted in.